Badgers Rise

Prestwich, Greater Manchester

Badgers Rise brick construction



Plans were in place for the new housing development near us in Prestwich, close to both the golf course and Drinkwater Park. This development was made up of 6 mews and 2 detached homes. Soft Construction, the project’s contractor, contacted us when trying to land on a brick to build the estate. They needed the brick to be in keeping with the local area. Of course, this meant using one of our bricks.

Upon reviewing our products, they chose our Mottram Multi bricks. These bricks, featuring oranges, reds and burnt shades, blend seamlessly with the local surroundings, preserving the natural views. MBS bricks are built to last, which can be seen in the Mottram Multi bricks technical properties too. As one of our handmade bricks, it boasts a rougher, creased finish helping make the homes stand out.

houses with Mottram Multi Brick
handmade bricks
homes with Mottram Multi Bricks

Working on a local project like this was great. Manchester is an incredible city, and once again being a part of its continuous development is something we are very thankful for. The importance of building new housing cannot be understated. Not just in Manchester, but across the whole UK. Working on projects such as this one, allows us to be a part of the solution for the current housing crisis.

Just off Butterstile Lane, the homes are now finished and look amazing. At three stories tall, complete with a brick wall surrounding their back gardens, the development is incredibly welcoming, helping to make the houses into homes.

Mottram Multi Bricks

This brick I wanted is seen across London and the South East and has a history dating back 300 years, meaning I had a match for the historical context of the build.

Mike Donovan, Client

In terms of kerb appeal the final product is a characterful brick-built design that is consistent across each build.

Woodsett Homes

The Mottram Multi provided the bungalow with an anchor in local heritage and respected the history of Bubwith.

Mark Dickinson, Customer

The brick provided the builds with an imposing presence, without it losing the ever-so important homely feel.

Stonebridge Homes

The collaboration between MBS and Cheshire Renovations lead to a transformative project that delivered stand-out results.

Cheshire Renovations

The client wanted a brick that had a dated appearance whilst still being new, which MBS were able to provide

McCormick Architecture