How Labour’s grey belt plans could solve the housing crisis









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A new definition, grey belt land, is set to “identify land with high sustainable development potential.”

On Wednesday 17th July, King Charles announced the key goals of Labour for the next 5 years. The housing sector has seen a massive crisis over the past 14 years. Little has happened regarding effective, long-term solutions and development. Keir Starmer’s Labour has pledged to “Get Britain Building”,  vowing to speed up the construction of housing and infrastructure in the UK, . He is hoping to deliver 1.5 million new homes during his time as Prime Minister.

Grey belt land

As part of this proposal, Labour is encouraging the use of grey belt land for new housing and infrastructure projects. The grey belt is currently an unrecognised, undefined term. It would be given to protected land previously built on and no longer in use. Land such as abandoned car parks and old building sites are described as “poor quality and ugly areas.” They were initially set up to stop expanding towns from merging into one another and now make up 13% of England, but less than 1% of the green belt.

This approach is a balanced way to increase the housing supply without encroaching on protected greenbelt areas. By focusing on grey belt land, the policy seeks to rejuvenate urban areas, reduce urban sprawl, and make better use of land that previous developments have already impacted.
11,000 identified sites could be transformed into 100,000 and 200,00 brand-new family homes. As part of this scheme, 50% of the new homes built must be offered as affordable housing, meaning their costs are 20% below the local market. This aims ‘To Get Britain Building.’

What needs to happen for the plan to succeed?

The new housing should be built as a long-term solution to the problem. They shouldn’t be built using cheaper, low-quality materials. The number of prefabricated houses built in the UK grows year-on-year, but it’s important that any new affordable housing should be built by brick. Affordable housing often has a negative public perception. Something as simple as the brick choice can help shift public opinion.

We already know the impact low-quality housing can have on communities. We’ve all seen the stories of nightmare landlords refusing to address tenant concerns. Mould and structural failures are just some of the problems people face. This is avoidable with the correct building regulations.

Why are people concerned?

Due to the undefined nature of grey belt land, many people are worried that it could lead to construction on protected green land. The potential disturbance of wildlife and their habitats needs to be considered and recognising how green spaces can be important within communities.

As plans progress, we look to work with local authorities to help provide affordable housing in the UK to get Britain building.

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