Proudly supporting the Brickmakers Quality Charter









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You may have noticed a new logo on our email signature, The Brick Development Association’s ‘Brickmakers Quality Charter.’ What’s it all about?

The Brick Development Association (BDA) represents UK brick manufacturers and distributors. They recognise the importance of Britain’s brick industry. Their goal is to provide buyers with key information before making an order. Essential for architects, developers and builders, they help customers feel secure in committing to a specific brick.

Their website hosts various resources, so people in the industry can make an informed decision about the bricks they use. The BDA highlights topics on sustainable manufacturing, the benefits of using clay bricks, maintenance, production, and architecture. They cast a wide net, providing useful knowledge across multiple sectors.

Their Brickmakers Quality Charter (BQC) makes it even easier for buyers to stay informed and aware of the bricks they buy. Many people consider unethical sourcing a deal-breaker for their materials.


  • Business Quality Management – Put in place effective processes and train staff to deliver flawless produces and services.
  • Responsible Sourcing BES 6001 – Demonstrate a commitment to sourcing responsibly through supply chain management and product stewardship. This means they take the responsibility for minimising their product’s environmental impact.
  • Energy Management System ISO 50001 – Improve energy use in a practical way, by developing an energy management system.
  • Environmental Management System – Make a proactive effort to reduce environmental footprint, by complying with legal requirements to meet a positive environmental objective.
  • Health & Safety Management – Commit to improving employee safety, decreasing workplace risks and building a safer working environment.
  • Employee Practice System – Meet the brickmaker’s National Standard for employee behaviours and practices.
  • Anti-Modern Slavery Policy and Procedures – This confirms that the manufacturer has a role in combating modern slavery.
  • CPR Compliance – manufacturer must have a CE Mark or UKNA/UKNI Mark to EN 771-1 standards. This relates to the rules of marketing construction products.

Being a part of the charter is an indication of your product quality. It shows your dedication to providing the best to buyers.

We see this attitude as important and highly necessary, especially among manufacturers. This is why we are proud to support the charter. It encourages ethical, sustainable manufacturing, which is a necessity for the brick industry moving forward.